Our enthusiastic partners in Kenya, the treeplanters from Bright Future Kenya, successfully finalized two projects in Kakamega and Eldoret on the 28th and 29th of September 2024.
Together with a team of volunteers and help of many active youth and active teachers, 2000 saplings were planted from various trees. All this to green up the schoolyards, make the terrain ‘climate proof’ and above all of course to raise awareness about the effects of climate change (and what you can do to mitigate it somewhat). Beautiful trees like the Bishop tree, Macadamia, Mango, Bluegum and Eucalyptus were among the planted saplings. We of course hope many will grow high and will be useful, tasty, rich in shadow and/or provide beautiful memories to the children, teachers and other visitors of the schools.
Noteworthy is that this whole project could not be done without the generous donation of our partners from Groenpand! For every successful project of last year, as a social entreprise, they have promised to plant one tree. And so they did! Thanks for your great partnership! Groenpand and Bright Future Kenya: bedankt!!!
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